Letzte Aktualisierung am 4. May 2024 von Dr. Michael Zechmann-Khreis
Nutritionists, doctors, clinics and other professionals. Where can I find healthcare professionals who can help me with my food intolerances and allergies?
Find your nutritionist here:
Click on your country to open the expert searches and associations.
Germany 🇩🇪
Nutritional advice
DGE / German Society for Nutrition
Search for and find nutritional advice
Association for Nutrition and Dietetics e.V.
www.vfed.de | Directly to the expert search by zip code
German Association of Dietitians – Deutscher Bundesverband e.V.
www.vdd.de | Directly to the dietician search
Doctor search
German Medical Association
The individual countries have their own chambers, each with their own doctor searches
Doctor search on the website of the German Medical Association
Austria 🇦🇹
Nutritional advice
Association of Dietitians
www.diaetologen.at | Directly to the dietician search
Doctor search
Austrian Medical Association
Each federal state has its own medical association. There are only partial online search options in the federal states.
Doctor search on the website of the Medical Association
Switzerland 🇨🇭
Nutritional advice
Swiss Association of Dietitians SVDE
ww.svde-asdd.ch | Go directly to consultant search
Medical profession search
In Switzerland, there are only private providers of doctor searches. The register of medical professions (MedReg) can be used to search for all licensed doctors with a federal or recognized foreign diploma. There is also the National Register of Healthcare Professions (NaReg), where you can also search for dietitians.
MedReg search (doctors, chiropractors, dentists, pharmacists and veterinarians)
NaReg search (nutritionists, alternative practitioners …)
Please note: Only a doctor may make a diagnosis of food intolerance or food allergy. A sound diagnosis is not an easy undertaking and requires a great deal of knowledge and experience. It is therefore advisable to consult a suitably trained doctor. Other professional groups or providers of self-tests are not permitted to make diagnoses regarding intolerance and allergy. The period after the diagnosis should also be accompanied by a state-certified nutritionist who acts on behalf of the doctor.
Nutritional advice for food intolerance
Please note: the word “nutritionist” is not protected in many countries. This means that practically anyone can use this designation. Nevertheless, not everyone is allowed to advise you on your diet/disease. This also requires special training. In Austria, this is training as a dietician, in Germany, for example, as an ecotrophologist or dietician. Please note that your health is at stake here, so please make sure that your chosen nutritionist is state-qualified.